Safety helmets protect our occupational in their work

Naturet - transporting and handling

Naturet heat transfer fluids are classified as combustible and must be handled in accordance with the regulations on flammable fluids. Naturet products must be transported in accordance with the Finnish regulations on the transport of dangerous goods (VAK). In addition, if the quantity to be transported or the size of the transport unit exceeds the free limits, the driver is required to have an ADR permit.

Free Limits for Transporting Naturet-products

Free Limits for Transporting Naturet-products

Consider this when handling Naturet products

Protective eyewear must be worn when handling Naturet Strong products (90 wt%) and Naturet products (60 wt%). See the product safety data sheets for further information on the use of personal protective equipment.

Need more information about transporting Naturet products? Please contact our Safety Advisor Maarit Malja.

Contact our Customer Service to learn more about the packaging sizes and deliveries and order a delivery at a time that suits you best.

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Maarit Malja

Customer Service, Export

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